Refugee/Ukrainian Lodging Schemes
Our Schemes
Refugee Lodging Scheme
Our aim is to develop supported lodgings for refugees in Bristol where Refugee Welcome Homes provide ongoing support and signposting for both the person who offers the room (we refer to this person as the landlord) and refugee lodger. RWH introduce potential refugee lodgers and landlords to each other, providing both the lodger and the landlord with "light touch" support for the period of between 12-18 months.
We believe that our supported lodging scheme is a stepping stone, guiding refugees how to rent in the private rental market by offering rooms below market rate rent (Local Housing Allowance which is currently £391.51 pcm plus bills) paid directly to the landlord.
Once an introduction between landlord and lodger has been made, Refugee Welcome Homes then work alongside both the landlord and the lodger to support the relationship, settling in, the paperwork and any issues which arise during the stay.
Refugee Support
We support our refugee lodgers holistically, helping them understand their rights and responsibilities. We provide assistance for wellbeing with regular meetings throughout the rental period, giving any additional help needed in their relationship with their landlord. RWH staff signpost on education, employment, training, mentoring schemes and additional support.
We believe that running a supported lodging scheme gives refugees the time, space and stability, as a stepping stone, to adapt and adjust to life in the UK. This scheme gives people the capacity to build experience to then move into the private rental market.
Landlord Support
During the 12 to 18-month contract period, our landlords receive induction training with special emphasis on inter-cultural awareness and ongoing support from RWH staff. We can offer RWH landlord peer support which encourages collaboration and enables peer learning.
We collaborate with the whole refugee sector in Bristol to fill one of the missing links for refugees in Bristol which is affordable accommodation.
Ukraine Lodgings Scheme
We are also working with Bristol City Council to support Ukrainians who arrived under the Homes for Ukraine scheme to find lodgings in households in Bristol as they move on from their initial 6-12 month host/guest arrangements.
Refugee Welcome Homes is looking for people who are willing to offer a room in their home to a Ukrainian lodger. The lodger will pay rent (at local Housing Allowance) and a contribution to bills (£30-£50 a month) and in addition, Bristol City Council will offer a 'golden handshake' for people newly joining the scheme of £500 plus guarantee the first month's rent in advance.
In addition, Refugee Welcome Homes will provide support to the Ukrainian guests to complete the paperwork and move into their new lodgings and signpost to ongoing support with education and skills.
Landlords Needed in Bristol
If you have finished your current hosting placement on Homes for Ukraine and would like to do it again, or if you want to keep your current guests beyond 12 months, you can transition to a supported lodging arrangement. Find out more by contacting us on
Why do we need a supported lodging scheme in Bristol?
In Bristol there is a desperate need for good, stable, affordable and longer-term accommodation for refugees. The majority of people who have had their asylum claims accepted and subsequently are given refugee status struggle to find accommodation after they leave their Home Office accommodation.
Refugees struggle to find private rented accommodation as they face multiple barriers. Barriers to rent include:
New refugees do not have the required landlord’s reference, having not been allowed to rent as an asylum seeker.
Having not been allowed to work as an asylum seeker, new refugees do not have the required employer's reference nor the money saved for the necessary deposit and the payment of rent in advance.
New refugees often have not yet established community or family networks in order to provide themselves with a guarantor for rent. A guarantor needs to earn a sufficient amount of money to be considered and this can prevent people from finding a suitable guarantor.
New refugees can lack knowledge of their housing rights and of confidence in navigating the complexities of the private rental market, housing system and UK benefits.
Landlords are not always aware of refugee tenants’ status and assume they cannot rent to them or do not understand how to complete the required 'right to rent' checks
Most landlords are unwilling to accept tenants receiving the housing benefit component of Universal Credit.
Refugees can initially struggle to find employment in sectors outside of low-paid, zero-hours contracts in the gig economy; this financial instability prevents them from being able to rent privately.
Language barriers can make it difficult for refugees to understand potential landlords and to make themselves understood by potential landlords.
These barriers make it often impossible for refugees to rent privately in Bristol. By connecting landlords who want to rent out a room in their house and a refugee lodger, Refugee Welcome Homes works with Bristolian landlords to reduce refugee homelessness and make Bristol a true City of Sanctuary for refugees.